Liability Waiver

Everyone — children and adults — must complete and sign a waiver before being allowed into FunSplash. Save time by completing your waivers online via the button below.

We use a third-party company to handle our waivers and you’ll be taken outside of our website to complete this process.


The safety of all players and staff is the number one priority at the FunSplash Sports Park.

  • All players on the FunSplash must be a minimum of 6 years old and 48 inches (107cm) tall. Players need to swim approximately 50 feet to reach the sports park.
  • Happy Splash is for players between the ages of 4-6 years of age, who must be fully potty trained and under 48 inches (122 cm) tall. An adult must accompany the child at all times at no extra charge as this part of the park is not directly supervised by lifeguards.
  • Before purchasing a Splash Pass all players or their legal guardian, if under the age of 18, will need to read and sign the liability waiver.
  • All players are required to wear a properly fitted lifejacket provided by the FunSplash Sports Park. All of our life jackets are Transport Canada approved and are available in sizes up to XXL.
  • All players are required to listen to a short briefing about safety on the water park before accesses the obstacles courses.
  • The posted Safety Rules of Play will be strictly enforced by all staff. You can view, download, and print these rules via the buttons below.
  • Lifeguards are stationed throughout the sports park to ensure the safety of all players. Lifeguards will expel anyone from the park who is a danger to their own safety or that of others.
  • No food allowed on the sports park equipment. Access to the water park may be denied if the player appears has consumed any alcohol or drugs.
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